The Best Amazing Selling Machine (ASM12) Bonus [Worth $4,803]

Have you read my Amazing Selling Machine review and are ready to sign up for ASM 12?

I originally joined ASM 8 back in 2017, and I was so impressed by how fantastic the training was.  Although my partner and I had already started a successful Amazon FBA business, I was able to take some of the post launch strategies I learned with ASM and scale our business to new heights.

Now, even in the middle of a global pandemic, our Amazon FBA business is doing over $1 million a month in sales so far in 2020.

The Amazing Selling Machine is legit.  And every year they completely revamp it to make it even better (which is why I love the lifetime free updates!)

It's also a serious investment.

And I know you want to get the most value out of your purchase by getting the best Amazing Selling Machine 12 bonus package.

Yes, there are a lot of really good bonus packages out there.  Some with even high "dollar values" than mine.

But don't get distracted by these fluffed up bonuses, many which you will never use.

I've specifically crafted my ASM bonus package to help you get the most out of your Amazing Selling Machine experience.  You will use these bonuses to reach your new Amazon business goals faster and more efficiently.

They will make your life easier as you get you launch your business and save you time and money as well.

Finally you get personal access to me, someone who works with a 7-figure Amazon brand, to help you out.  That's something no other bonus package can offer.

Here is what you are getting with my ASM 12 Bonus Package....

ASM Bonus #1: 6 Months Free of Helium 10 Platinum Tools

Helium 10 is one of our favorite Amazon FBA products that we have invested in.

It's an all in-one software suite of tools that will be essential for helping you to launch and run your new Amazon FBA business.

Here are just a few of the ways that Helium10 will help take your Amazon FBA business to the next level.

+ Faster, More Powerful Product Research to help you validate your new Amazon product.

+ Find Thousands of Keywords in Seconds to rank your product for low-competition phrases.

+ Write Listings Like a Pro which will help your products sell faster.

We've also use the Alerts feature which to spot Hijackers immediately and Refund Genie allows us to automate the complicated FBA reimbursement process and get back money owed to us.

The Helium 10 Platinum plan would normally cost you $97 a month.  But you are getting 6 months FREE of Helium 10 on me.  

Total Value:  $582

ASM Bonus #2: One Year Free of FeedbackFive Pro Plan

Our best selling product has more than 15,000 reviews on Amazon so I know the importance of getting more Amazon reviews.

It's really the difference between having a successful product and one that flops.

But getting reviews on Amazon has always been tricky.

We used to use a service that would send out email follow up sequences (through Amazon) where we would ask for a review.

Which worked great, until Amazon start cracking down on the wording of these types of emails.  And it became very risky since the policy was vague and subjective.

That's why we were so happy when FeedbackFive launched their new automated Request a Review feature.

This lets you trigger official Amazon rating requests using the same system behind the Request a Review button in Seller Central. 

And it's 100% Amazon Compliant!

We love this feature of FeedbackFive and it's helped us get more verified reviews in a totally safe and legitimate way.

So as part of my ASM bonus, you will get 12 months free of the FeedbackFive Pro plan.  Now you will get more Amazon reviews for your products like I have been able to.

Total Value:  $360

ASM Bonus #3: Six Months Personal Mentoring over FB Messenger

Face it, there's a lot of moving parts when starting your new Amazon FBA business.  While Amazing Selling Machine gives the roadmap, you still need to implement everything yourself.

It's easy to get overwhelmed, by everything there is to do.  

But if you sign up for ASM 12, I will be your accountability partner and share with you advice from my own experience helping to grow a 7-Figure a month Amazon business.

I can give you feedback on the products you want to sell and I can review your Amazon listing to make sure it will convert well and makes sales.

And I'll teach you the strategies I've used to grow our business off of Amazon and take your business to the next level.

As my ASM affiliate, you will always be one message away from getting the guidance or help you need.

Total Value:  $1,997

ASM Bonus #4: Six months free access to Amazon Freedom Ticket Course

Amazon Freedom Ticket Course

One reason for the success of our business is that that I'm constantly learning.

It's a fact that the Amazon FBA world is constantly changing.  So you need to be adaptable and change when needed too.

Which is why you can never "learn too much" when it comes to Amazon FBA.

So while you are about to purchase IMO the best Amazon FBA course (Amazing Selling Machine), wouldn't it be cool if you get access to the two best Amazon FBA courses for the price of one?

That's what you are getting with the Freedom Ticket Course.  

This is an 8 week video training taught by Kevin King who has been selling million dollars worth of products on Amazon since 2005.

It's a great supplement to ASM, and with these 2 courses, you have all the knowledge you need to launch and grow a successful Amazon FBA business.

Total Value:  $997

ASM Bonus #5: My Amazon ManyChat Bot Templates

One of the downsides of selling on Amazon, is that you don't get your customer's email address.  This makes it difficult to make follow up sales on other products you may sell.

A way around this is to use Facebook messenger bots, and ManyChat is the most popular platform for creating these bots.

Here are the 2 bot templates you will be getting as part of this bonus:

+ Spin the Wheel Bot. Use this bot to offer your customers a random prize like discounts or special promos.  This incentivizes your customers to get on your bot list, and gets gives you another channel to communicate with your buyer.

+ Viral Giveaway Bot.  Use this bot to create a viral giveaway.  Customers join your bot to get a freebie (like a coupon code, lead magnet).  

Once they are in, the bot will offer an additional incentive to get them to share the bot link with their friends.  Now your raving fans will spread the word to their friends and create a huge wave of traffic to your products.

Total Value:  $497

ASM Bonus #6: Done For You Product Images

Your images are the first thing a customer sees when you they come to your Amazon product page.

And having vivid and amazing product images is an essential component of a best selling Amazon listing.

So to help you get some great photos, I'm going to give you a $250 credit towards your product images.

I'll also give you my recommended Photography service, but you are free to go with any service you like.

Total Value:  $250

ASM Bonus #7: Free Group Convert  Account 

Group Convert Box

Creating a Facebook Group is one of the best ways your Amazon FBA business can build its brand off of Amazon.

A Facebook group allows you to foster a community of your brand advocates, and give you a channel for you to sell more of your products.

There's only one problem.

Facebook does not give you direct access to the emails of the members of your group.  You have to collect emails in a roundabout way that doesn't scale well as your group gets bigger. 

That’s why I’m giving you a copy of Group Convert.  It’s a Google Chrome extension that allows you to automatically push your FB member emails into your email autoresponder.  

It’s an awesome software that would normally would cost you $10 a month.

But it comes free as part of my ASM 12 bonus package!

Total Value:  $120+

How to Claim Your Bonuses

Step 1: Clear Your Cookies

Read this simple tutorial on how to clear your cache and cookies to ensure that you are purchasing through my link, in order to get my Amazing Selling Machine 12 bonuses for FREE.

Step 2: Click the Button Below

Step 3: Send Me Your Receipt

Once you’ve purchased your ASM, you will get an order confirmation from

Then, forward your receipt to [email protected].

Your email should be titled: "Amazing Selling Machine 12 Bonus".

Step 4: Receive Your Bonuses

Please note, that the $250 DFY Photo credit is only available after the ASM 30-day refund policy. 

However you will receive the other bonuses (within 24 hours) after I have verified your commission in my account.

ASM12 Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What’s New in ASM12 and when does it come out?

ASM12 will open its doors on June 11, 2020. In terms of the video modules, all content was completely redone from scratch. Plus, there are 8 brand new live coaching calls where you can ask questions.

Q2: Are you actually an ASM member yourself?

Yup! I signed up back during the ASM8 launch in 2017. I wish I had signed up earlier though, since it would have saved me from making so many mistakes.

Q3: How successful is your own Amazon FBA business?

My partner and I started our Amazon FBA journey in the beginning of 2016. We tried selling a few different products, but we ended up having the most success selling a fitness product.

We reached #1 for our most popular keyword and that’s when our business really took off. We hit $1 million in revenue (total) by the end of 2016 and have hit $1 million a month in sales in 2020.

Q4: I don’t live in the US. Can I still benefit from this course?

Most likely, yes! There are lots of international sellers making a killing with Amazon FBA. What country you live in though does matter.

If you are a resident of a Group 1 country, then you should be eligible to open up an US Seller Central account. You can check out the list here.

If you’re not a resident of these countries, then the process is a little more difficult as you’ll need a friend or relative that lives in a Group 1 country to help you out.

Q5: I already bought ASM through someone else’s affiliate link. Can I still get your ASM bonus package?

Sorry, in general only people who sign up using my affiliate link will qualify for my bonuses. But please contact me and maybe we can work something out.

Q6: $4,997 is a lot of money to invest in a course. What happens if it doesn’t work for me?

At first glance, plopping down almost $5k does sound like a lot of money. And definitely don’t get this course if it’s going to stretch your budget.

You’ll need some money additional capital to buy your initial inventory as well.

If for some reason, the Amazing Selling Machine course doesn’t work for you, then you can always request your money back within the first 30 days.

But if you’ve gone through the full course and even purchased inventory, and you don’t want to continue, then you can also take advantage of the ASM 6 month buy back guarantee.

The ASM team will actually buy your Amazon FBA business from you for the full cost of the course plus up to $5,000 in inventory.

Copyright SmartBusinessTrends
