Bill Gates Quotes

In the golden words of Bill Gates: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

So very true!

Good businesses use customer feedback to get better, and improve themselves. Great, successful businesses though, place special focus and emphasis on negative customer feedback and unhappy customers, and use this criticism and feedback to improve themselves and how they are run!

Gates also says: “You’ve got to want to be in this incredible feedback loop where you get the world-class people to tell you what you’re doing wrong.”

People who will tell you what you need to hear and what you should hear, rather than what you want to hear are one of your most valuable assets.

Positive feedback is good. It let’s you know that you’re on the right path, and whatever you’re doing you’re doing it well. It comes with that extra ‘feel good’ factor as well.

However negative criticism is perhaps your biggest source of growth. You learn what you should be doing when you get negative feedback from unhappy customers.

It provides you with valuable business intel.

Small and big business owners go extra lengths to ensure that their customers remain happy and satisfied, and that they listen to unhappy and unsatisfied customers, and use their feedback to improve their business, they services, their products, their mechanisms, and how they function.

Now if only Gates could stick by his own words and listen to what people are saying about Windows 8… 🙂
