Best Funnel Scripts Bonus That You Can Get Today

Funnel Scripts is one of the coolest services I've gotten a chance to play with. Writing copy has never been my strong suit, so I love how easy it makes it to help me write highly converting copy.

If you haven't read our full Funnel Scripts review yet, then I suggest you take a look so you can see the ins and outs of how it works.

But if you're all ready to buy, then before you do, take a look at the Funnel Scripts bonuses I'm offering below.  

These are the same bonuses I used to help me qualify for the ClickFunnels Dream Car, and they are all yours if you just purchase Funnel Scripts through my affiliate link.

Here is what you're going to be getting:

Funnel Scripts Bonus Bundle

Funnel Scripts Bonus #1: Dream Car Secrets Guide

Dream Car Secrets

Want to see how I won the ClickFunnels Dream Car?

Instead of trying to funnel hack how I did it, I wrote this guide which documents all the steps I took to go from struggling ClickFunnels affiliate to Dream Car winner.  

These are strategies you will be able to use yourself to help you become a successful ClickFunnels affiliate and earn your very own Dream Car.

Funnel Scripts Bonus #2: 30 Days Personal Facebook Messenger Chat Support ($997 value)

If you buy through my link, you will get unlimited email and FB messenger access to me where you can ask me anything you want about using Funnel Scripts, ClickFunnels or anything else for that matter.

You’ll be getting your very own ClickFunnels Dream Car mentor, who’s also a 6-figure a year affiliate.  (Read my Full Origin Story Here)

I’ll help you get started using and promoting ClickFunnels the right way, and you can leverage my own successes and failures to help you win that ClickFunnels Dream Car yourself.

Why would you want to work with me?  Here are testimonials from some of my students.

Funnel Scripts Bonus #3: Software In a Box Membership Access ($1,997 value)


The goal of Software in a Box is to help you earn more high ticket affiliate commissions.  

As a member, you will get your own personal dashboard which allows you to create unlimited Group Convert and Watcher Spy software accounts.  

These can use as bonuses to help sell Funnel Scripts, ClickFunnels, or any other affiliate product.  Or even as lead magnets to grow your email list.

Group Convert is one of my favorites softwares. I've personally used it to add over 4,000 email leads from my personal FB group.  It's a setup once and forget software that will make a huge difference in your business.

Watcher Spy is my secret content marketing weapon. I use it to follow my favorite influencers and use it for content ideas, learn marketing strategies and to network. 

Plus, I will also be adding future softwares into this membership which you will also get bonus rights to. This includes my next software product called FP Affiliate Extractor.

Funnel Scripts Bonus #4: Three Software in a Box Bonus Licenses ($450 value)

I want to help you make your first few Funnel Scripts affiliate sales as easy as possible. And help you quickly recoup the cost of your purchase.

So I am also going to be giving you three, 1-year Software in a Box membership bonuses licenses you can give away as bonuses for your first three ClickFunnels affiliate sales.

Creating bonuses is hard, but you now have a Done-For-You irresistible Funnel Scripts bonus offer ready to go from the beginning!

Funnel Scripts Bonus #5: Access to CF Follow Up Pro ($297 value)

CF Follow Up Pro is a brilliant set of ActiveCampaign automations and training that was developed by Dream Car winner James Hurst.

It's able to use the affiliate data from your ClickFunnels affiliate dashboard and automatically follow up with all your affiliates via email to provide them with the support they need to use and thrive with ClickFunnels.

And that means less churn and more recurring commissions for you.

Normally James sells this for $297 on his own, but I purchased the resell rights to this awesome product from James. And I’m offering it for free as part of my bonus for people who purchase Funnel Scripts using my link.

Funnel Scripts Bonus #6: Dream Car Follow Up System + Email Swipes ($297 value)

My Dream Car Followup System works in together with CF Follow Up Pro.

First, it serves as an email training that will get you up and running with ClickFunnels as quickly as possible.

I’m going to show you how to use all these bonuses you’re getting from me to become not only a successful CF affiliate, but also a better affiliate marketer as well.

Plus you’ll be getting some additional secret bonuses if you complete the trainings.

And once you’ve finished the course yourself you’ll also be able to use these same email swipes to promote ClickFunnels. With some slight modifications you’ll have your own custom CF training that will wow your referrals.

Funnel Scripts Bonus #7: My Best White-Label Funnels ($297 value)

To make your own Funnel Scripts bonus package even sweeter, you will also be getting my best White Label Funnels.

The first, is my highest converting lead magnet, called The Ultimate Recurring List of Lifetime Affiliate Programs.  You can add this funnel to your ClickFunnels account and you can use it to grow your email list and add to your bonus package.

The second are my best converting One Funnel Away Challenge funnels.  You can use these funnels to help you make OFA sales ($100 per sale). Which is perfect for helping you qualify for the 30% ClickFunnels affiliate tier.

Funnel Scripts Bonus Frequently Asked Questions

I’m interested! How do I get these bonuses and when will I get them?

All you need to do is purchase Funnel Scripts using THIS LINK. Make sure to open the link in an Incognito Window in Chrome or a Private Window in Firefox to ensure you get credit.

You will get my bonuses sent to you automatically within 24 hours. If you have any issues, you can reach out to me using this contact page.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you like these Funnel Scripts Bonuses. I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.