Personally, I’m not a big fan of April Fools’, but even I’ll admit, some of the pranks are quite entertaining to say the least!
Even corporations and businesses have started to get in on the act – from Google tot Hulu to Canon to Twitter and just about anyone else that you can think of – playing some really cool pranks, sparing no one from employees to customers in the process!
Here’s a list of some of the best April Fools’ pranks made by businesses this year:
1. Google Nose
Google has been working on the development of Google Glass for a while now, and on the 1st of April, announced it’s latest offering: Google Nose!
Dubbed the “flagship olfactory knowledge feature enabling users to search for smells” Google Nose allows users to search by smell. According to Google, their philosophy is to bring users the information they’re looking for as quickly and beautifully as possible, but sometimes, users aren’t ‘looking’ for information at all!
With the tagline ‘Smelling is Beliving,’ Google Nose, currently in beta, incorporates smell into search, and allows you to go beyond type, talk, and touch for a new notation of sensation, enabling users to search … wait for it … for smells! Simply search for an aroma, and bring your nose close to your computer or smartphone to enjoy the smell! How cool is that!
Other salient features of this smell-tastic experience include ‘Don’t ask, don’t smell’ aka. SafeSearch, a Google Aromabase which contains as many as 15M+ ‘scentibytes’ of smells,’ ‘SMELLCD 1.8+’ high-resolution compatible for precise and controlled odors and AdScent for Business!
Definitely the pick of the April Fools’ pranks this year! (Hilarious video here)
2. Canon EOS 7D L
Canon April Fool’ed its customers this year, by announcing a left-handed DSLR camera, called the Canon EOS 7D L!
Apparently, Canon’s latest addition to it’s EOS Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera lineup was to be called the Canon EOS 7D L, with the added ‘L’ at the end denoting that this particular model is exclusively for left-handed photographers out there.
Which is good news, since left-handed photographers constitute a large percentage of amateur and professional photographers out there, and did not have a proper solution in the form of a lefty-friendly DSLR.
Turns out, they still don’t.
Canon even released a proper press release, containing complete specs of their brand-spanking-new camera.
A good prank, but it got me thinking: why exactly hasn’t someone made a left-hand-friendly DSLR camera for left-handed DSLR users?
3. Gmail Blue
Another prank by Google was called Gmail Blue, or in other words ‘Gmail, but blue!’
Google decided to reinvent Gmail this April. Indeed, Gmail Blue is your standard Gmail, only blue. Yes, everything is blue, from the inbox, to the emails, to the buttons, to the backgrounds – EVERYTHING is blue!
Google – in classic Google fashion – even produced a fancy video with celebrity stars and all – for Gmail Blue!
Even though the prank was weak, I liked the hilarious video! And yes, Gmail does indeed need an interface overhaul, but here’s hoping it isn’t all-blue when it does happen!
4. Twittr
Band news for Twitter users, or those who use vowels in their words: Twitter has decided to charge you money if you want to tweet words with vowels.
According to the offical Twitter blog: “Everyone can use our basic service, Twttr, but you only get consonants. For just $5 a month, you can use our premium ‘Twitter’ service which also includes vowels.”
You can even try out the all-new Twitter – or what is now Twittr – here.
5. Sony Animalia
This April 1st, Sony introduced Animalia line of technology products for pets. Yes, now you can get headphones, televisions and all sorts of cool tech stuff and gadgets for your tech-savvy dogs, cats and hamsters!
According to the hilarious press release:
“Now that there are more households with pets than with children, we are targeting pet owners who want to provide unique entertainment experiences for their furry, four-legged family members,” said Tom Barret, lead engineer for the Animalia line. “Sony is known for making products that enrich our lives, and the Animalia line was developed for domesticated animals who also naturally seek visual, music and emotional experiences.”
The introductory lineup includes a few interesting products: a K9 4K doggie TV, calibrated for dogs by maximizing blue and yellow tones while discarding green and red ones — all at 4K resolution, WITH a “paw friendly” two-button remote with controls for “play”. The TV also includes Skype so dogs can talk to their owners anytime (haha!).
Then there are also cat headphones (aptly called M3-OW KittyCans). And let’s not forget, ‘In-Cage speakers’ for hamsters!
Definitely, one of the more funny April Fool’s pranks this year!
6. BMW P.R.A.M.
Good news! Has announced the launchof its new car! No, it’s not a new 3-series, not a new M5, not even a new 7-series. Or a jeep or a convertible either. In fact, come to think of it, it’s not really a car!
No, it’s the all new BMW P.R.A.M – or the Post-natal Royal Auto Mobile. And as the name implies, it’s a pram!
Now you can spoil your kids as soon as they’re born, rather than waiting for them to get their driver’s license 🙂
According to the promotional advert: “Available in Princess Pink or Royal Blue, this soft-top convertible has been designed using our EfficientDynamics technology. With two or four-wheel-drive, it rides as smoothly on a polo field as it does down The Mall and comes with air conditioning and built-in extendable flagpoles as standard.”
Would make for a great gift for William and Kate first child, wouldn’t it!
7. Reddit buys Team Fortress 2
I leave you with one of the more annoying April Fools’ pranks from this year: Reddit decides to buy TF2.
Now I’m a big Reddit fan, and often spend considerable time on the social networking website (who doesn’t?!). However browsing Reddit was an annoying and irritating experience on the 1st of April this year.
The whole website was plastered with TF2 stuff, which I didn’t really care for. However their blog-post did make for an interesting, mildly-entertaining read:
“After some intense negotiations – seriously… blood was shed, pies were thrown, babies were born – reddit has finally acquired Team Fortress 2. In an effort to make players comfortable with the acquisition, we’ll be slowly integrating features from the popular free to play game into the standard reddit experience.
Starting today, you’ll be able to customize your account with hundreds of weapons, hats, and more. Tweak your reddit account to suit your style and personal taste. Best of all, virtually all of the items can be acquired from normal site surfing via random drop.”
Which prank did you think was the best this year? Leave me a comment below!