Legendary Marketer Case Study: How Brian Brewer Became the Top Legendary Affiliate

If you look at the Legendary scoreboard these days, there’s a name that’s been a fixture at the top for a while now.

And that name is Brian Brewer.

If you’re inside the Legendary affiliates FB group, you’ll recognize the name.

Because every day Dave Sharpe keeps posting messages like this in the group.

Brian Brewer commissions

And he also hit Platinum status ($100k+ affiliate commissions) in a really short period of time.

Brian Brewer - Legendary Platinum Affiliate

I didn’t know much about Brian before.

But when I saw him making all these high ticket blueprint sales in the group, it piqued my interest.  So I started doing some research and diving into his world.

And after consuming a bunch of his content I came away very impressed.

The way he promotes Legendary Marketer is brilliant.

He’s completely transparent about what he’s doing and I really enjoy his teaching style. Plus he comes across as someone who cares about your success.

All his funnels and promotion methods are out in the open. And he explains everything he does in his videos.

You’ll get a ton of value just from following what Brian is doing. And he’s getting some of the best results I have ever seen.

Legendary scoreboard

So I created this case study based on my own notes from everything I’ve watched and learned from him.

If you are struggling with affiliate marketing, or just want to see the anatomy of a successful campaign, then read on.

Brian is the real deal.  Yet, there’s nothing he’s doing that you couldn’t do yourself. With a little bit of work of course.

Here’s what I’m going to cover:

Let’s dive in.

Brian Brewer’s Legendary System

What Brian has done is create a front-end funnel system for sending his leads to Legendary.

The goal of his funnel is to get people to sign up for the Legendary 15-Day Challenge.

To do this, he uses a 2-page bridge page funnel. Which means he collects emails upfront before sending people to his bridge page.

Some of these visitors will buy the Challenge immediately. But for those that don’t, he can use the email address he collected to follow up with them over time.

And by using different angles in each email to promote the Challenge, he gets more people to buy.

Once people have bought the challenge, he leverages Legendary’s sales team to make high ticket sales on his behalf. And that’s how he earns so many high ticket ($1,000+) commissions.

Which makes up the bulk of the $30k per month in commissions that he does with them.

Let’s take a closer look at his funnel.

It’s a 2-page funnel, built using ClickFunnels.

The first page is simple. It features a clear headline “Live the Laptop Lifestyle…”

BrianBrewer Funnel

The page targets a specific audience:

  • Someone who wants to start an online business
  • Someone who wants to earn high ticket affiliate commissions

Next, he introduces himself before asking for the click with a call to action button.

The button then opens up a pop up which he uses to collect email addresses.

Once he gets their email, they get taken to the bridge page.

Brian Brewer Bridge Page
The bridge page features a short 2-minute video where he describes what Legendary Marketer is all about.

This is important because it pre-frames the visitor. So they know exactly what to expect when they click on Brian’s affiliate link to get to the next page.

Notice that the funnel uses the same design elements as all the other Legendary landing pages. He also includes some testimonials for social proof of the offer.

The next important piece of Brian’s system is how he gets traffic to this funnel.

He actually uses 4 different traffic sources.  Let’s take a look at each one.

Traffic source #1: YouTube

Brian actually has two different YouTube channels. He has a main channel dedicated to affiliate marketing. And then a separate one for Legendary called Becoming Legendary.

Brian Brewer Youtube Channel

It’s smaller than his main channel with a little over 4k subscribers.

He uses YouTube SEO and the videos he puts out get between 100 and 2,000 views.

It seems his main strategy is to create videos around the Legendary long-tail keywords.

Yes, there’s not a lot of searches. But people who want to learn more about Legendary are searching for these keywords. So it’s super targeted, which means higher conversions.

Tip: Brian uses Answer the Public to find many of these keywords.

To get traffic, he adds a link to his funnel is in the description of all his videos. And he always mentions his funnel URL inside the videos themselves.

Traffic source #2 Tik Tok

Tik Tok is where Brian is seeing his most explosive growth. He started in May and he’s currently at 65.6k followers at the time of this post.

Brian Brewer Tik Tok

What he does is create 10-15 second videos. These videos grow his business in two ways.

The first is by cross-promoting his YouTube channel.

And the second is by sending traffic to his funnel directly.

Not every video he puts out goes viral. But he consistently puts out content that follows specific principles that do well on Tik Tok.

Which is how he’s gotten results so fast.

Another thing Brian does well is that he leverages his results. Because he was getting great results on Tik Tok, he was able to add a new training funnel.

Tik Tok How to go Viral

It’s called How I Go Viral on Tik Tok and it promotes the Legendary Tik Tok offer.

It’s a separate funnel on the same domain. But it’s smart because it adds an extra touchpoint where he can make sales using another angle.

Traffic Source #3 Facebook Group

Brian has also has a FB group that he uses to promote Legendary. It has over 3,000 members and it’s quite active.

Brian Brewer FB Group

FB groups are awesome because it’s a low friction way to get people into your community.

Brian uses his group to cross-promote all the different pieces of content he’s putting out like this one.

Brian Brewer FB Group post

And every post he makes inside ties into one of his funnels in some way.

Traffic Source #4 Facebook Retargeting Ads

Not everyone who visits Brian’s funnel will buy right away. It’s normal that someone needs to be exposed to your offer many times before they ultimately buy.

So Brian smartly added a Facebook tracking pixel to his funnel. This allows him to run regathering ads on FB for a couple of dollars a day.

I’ve noticed several different ads now appear on my Facebook timeline since I visited Brian’s funnel.  Here’s an example:

Brian Brewer Retargeting Ad

As you can see, he’s sending people to his funnel in the ad.

Using retargeting ads means that people are getting exposed to his offers all the time. And it lets him capture more leads and make more sales because of it.

8 Takeaways from Studying Brian

I really enjoyed researching this case study.  I learned a ton from Brian from watching his content.  Here are the best takeaways I got from putting this together.

  1. Use a bridge page instead of direct affiliate linking. You will collect emails and it increases conversions because you can better pre-frame your leads.
  2. Establish as many touchpoints as possible. This means using Email, Tik Tok, YouTube, Facebook to get in front of your leads multiple times.  This will increase the chance that they buy!
  3. Set up an email sequence to email the leads that don’t buy right away. Not only can you market Legendary to them, but you can promote other related offers too.
  4. Video converts really well.  If possible, start leveraging video in your own business.
  5. Cross-promote your content on different platforms.  Tik Tok is a great way to grow your YouTube.  And FB groups can help you promote all your channels.
  6. Start regularly creating content around your offer. Get on a content schedule and stick to it.
  7. Piggyback on current events and trends in your marketing.  Whether it’s the election or the pandemic, this is one of the best ways for your content to go viral.
  8. Tik Tok videos can be short. They only need to be 7-8 seconds long.  And no dancing is required!

How You Can Be the Next Brian Brewer

As you can see, Brian has built this very efficient system for promoting Legendary. Which has turned him into the top Legendary affiliate today.

And now I’ve laid it out for you exactly how he’s done it.

So can you do the same?

I’m not going to guarantee you’ll see results like Brian.

But if you follow his model and combine it with my own Legendary strategies, you can start seeing some results yourself.

One thing I noticed is that Brian doesn’t offer any Legendary bonuses. And he doesn’t do any follow-up on the backend to increase his conversions.

(Which illustrates how effective his content and traffic strategy really is)

So here’s my offer.  Join Legendary under my link and you will get:

  • Access to my Legendary case study group. You will get a real-time look at my own personal Legendary promotion and results.
  • The ability to use my own email follow-up system. This will get more of your Legendary members to buy the high ticket offer and help you earn more commissions per member.
  • My list of Legendary Tik Tokers to follow. These are people that are crushing it with Tik Tok and Legendary.  And you can model your content after these marketers because you know it works.
  • Help getting approved as a Legendary affiliate. It can be a little challenging to get accepted into Legendary if you have no experience. But I’ve had good success vouching for my affiliates and getting them in.
  • My personal help. Plus you will get support from the other successful Legendary marketers inside my group

As Brian has shown, Tik Tok is very beginner-friendly at the moment. Which means you can see results fast on the platform. Even if you are a new account.

So this is how I recommend you start:

Step 1: Join Legendary through the 15-Second Leads Tik Tok course (Cost: $1)

Step 2: Work your way through the Legendary 15-day challenge

Step 3: Apply and get approved as an affiliate

Step 4: Add your bridge page funnel

Step 5: Set up your bridge page email followup

Step 6: Start your Tik Tok account by watching the 15-Second Leads course

Step 7: Model your content based on other successful Legendary Tik tokers (My Bonus)

Step 8: Setup my email automation system to follow up with all your leads and members to increase your backend commissions (My Bonus)

This is the quickest way to see results with Legendary. And then you can leverage other traffic sources like Brian has, once things are working for you.

Let me know how it works for you!

Start Now with Legendary Marketer

Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you got value from this Legendary Marketer case study. Please take note that some of the links inside this article may be affiliate links for Legendary Marketer products. That means that if you buy through one of our links, we may get an affiliate commission for it. If you do click on one of our links, we really appreciate it! Any money we make keeps this site running smoothly and allows us to keep producing these high-quality reviews.
About Chris Fong

Chris Fong is a blogger and a 6 figure a year affiliate marketer. He enjoys helping others learn about different marketing tools and helping people achieve success online.

  • Hi Chris,
    I’ve been following Brian for almost a year now. Just like you say, he’s the real deal. Learned a lot from him.
    Thanks for the post.

  • Great article as always! For Legendary you are the #1 to go to and I do love following Brian on TikTok he is pretty awesome!

  • Azeem Ahmad says:

    Hi Chris… you need to check out your affiliate link for 15-second leads. It belongs to Brian Brewer. If you know this already, that’s so humble of you. I want to be a close friend of yours THEN…haha

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