RightMessage Review: Increase Your Revenue With Website Personalization

Personalization and segmentation have been used in email marketing to improve conversions for years.

And there’s a good reason for that.

It works.

It’s a proven strategy that most of you have probably adopted already.

But what if you could now personalize the content of your site for each of your visitors?

RightMessage Review

Last updated: March 30, 2021
Initially published on: March 4, 2019
Product rating: 4.5 / 5.0

tl;dr Summary
While a bit pricey, RightMessage gives you the ability to customize your website for each visitor and give them a more personalized experience.

Visit the website

So their experience would more closely match what they were looking for.

Don’t you think that would boost your conversions too?

With RightMessage, you can do exactly this.

It’s a software that can automatically personalize your website based on real-time data and help you get better results.

RightMessage Logo

Here is what I’m going to be covering in this RightMessage review:

If you just came to get my bonuses you can skip to the bottom and click this link to grab my RightMessage Bonuses.

RightMessage Bonus Bundle

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What Is RightMessage?

RightMessage, founded by Brennan Dunn in 2017, is a marketing platform designed to increase leads and sales for your online business.

It does this in much the same way most opt-in software works, so if you’ve used ConvertBox, Optin Monster, Thrive Leads, or any of the other dozen popular solutions out there, you’ll have some idea of what to expect.

Of course, that includes the ability to create popups, slide-ins, sticky bars, and inline forms, as well as being able to display them on specific pages and design them to match your website.

But RightMessage isn’t just another “me too” product. Unlike the solutions I just mentioned, this platform was built to be highly personal and highly targeted so that every visitor gets… well, the right message.

It works by recognizing visitors based on their behaviors and interests, using tracking tools and surveys to understand their needs, and presenting offers that make sense on a case-by-case basis.

“Often just a single question asked to visitors, followed by a personalized pitch based on their answer, results in 20-70% more opt-ins than jumping straight to the pitch.” — Brennan Dunn

Who Is RightMessage For?

Call me Captain Obvious, but if you’re already using a traditional lead capture service then it makes sense to consider RightMessage as an alternative.

This is particularly the case if you have a high volume of traffic on your website because even a small increase in conversions and sales could be huge for your bottom line, and that’s what this platform promises to do.

But even then, you don’t have to be a big fish to benefit.

RightMessage plans start at a cap of 2,000 visits a month with no restrictions on features (the way it should be). So if you have a website, some traffic, and a way to monetize those eyeballs, you have little to lose.

That being said, if you’re one of the rare marketers that somehow doesn’t rely on a website to drive sales, and isn’t concerned with building an email list, then RightMessage may not be for you.

Take the free 14-day RightMessage trial

What are the best parts about RightMessage?

Best Feature #1: A point-and-click approach to personalization

When you hear about website personalization tools like this one, you can’t help but stress over the potential tech challenges that go along with it.

I was very curious to see how RightMessage handled this.

As it turns out, by implementing a single piece of code on your website (very easy to do, I’ll show you how in a bit), you’ll be able to directly personalize pages of your website.

personalize page

As you can see above, RightMessage will show you a live version of your website from within the tool itself, at which point you can click on any element to start making changes.

There are a number of changes you can make here and I’ll get to that later in the review, but just the implementation of this is truly amazing.

inline editing

No digging around in the code of your pages.

Not even logging into your website backend.

You can apply these personalizations by simply hitting the publish button inside RightMessage. I don’t know if it could be any easier.

Best Feature #2: Track conversion events with ease

Sticking with the code-less theme, RightMessage offers another useful feature worth noting, and this one goes beyond personalization.

It’s called ‘Campaign Goals’, and it allows you to create and record events on any page across your site.

conversion events

These events are classed as conversions and can be made up of various actions, including clicking an element, visiting the page, or submitting a specific form.

Applying an event to your page is as simple as adding a personalization, you simply point and click.

point and click

It’s worth pointing out that you can also stack these events for a more complex conversion.

Overall, this feature is nothing new in the marketing world but it keeps everything under one roof and eliminates the need for a dedicated solution. A very welcome addition.

Best Feature #3: Get site-wide personalization with RightBar

We’ve all seen Hello Bars before, but RightMessage has its own take on this classic marketing tool.

It’s called the RightBar:

RightBar feature

The RightBar takes this concept one step further by using variations of the same bar, tailored to different segments of your audience.

In other words, it’s a personalized Hello Bar.

RightBar segments

You can also use the usual segmentation features here, and I’ll talk more about those later in the review.

Finally, this wouldn’t be complete with some visual styling options to match your branding, and RightMessage has you covered there as well.

visual styling options

What I don’t like about RightMessage

Bad Thing #1: Integrations are somewhat limited

When it comes to integrations, RightMessage is surprisingly reliant on these for core aspects of the software, and that’s especially for your CRM or email marketing service.

The problem? You only have a handful of possible integrations…


As someone who recently switched from ActiveCampaign to MailerLite, I was no longer able to take advantage of many aspects of this platform.

For example, my RightMessage reporting area didn’t work properly, and I was unable to apply certain segment conditions that relied on subscriber and customer data.

To give some credit to the team, they did offer a somewhat complicated workaround for this…

workaround advice

Either way, the lack of integrations means I’m not the first person to run into this issue and I certainly won’t be the last.

Oh, and it doesn’t work with Zapier either.

Bad Thing #2: Personalization is exclusive to the most expensive plan

I expand on this point in the pricing section, but it stood out enough for me to give it a quick mention here.

If you’re looking to use the personalization features within this platform, you will need the most expensive “Personalization Plan”

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it opens up some of the functionality to those on a limited budget. But for me, the real value is in the premium plan and it doesn’t come cheap.

A look inside RightMessage

One of the biggest changes to RightMessage since we originally reviewed the platform is undoubtedly the Funnel Builder.

The Funnel Builder, also referred to as the “CTA (call-to-action) Funnel Builder” allows to properly segment your site traffic and increase the likelihood that they’ll convert by showing the right messages to the right people.

This change is evident from the moment you first log into your account, as it will prompt you to set up your first funnel:

start cta funnel builder

It’s also worth noting that the welcome video (above this button) has been updated to reflect the changes. In it, Brennan Dunn walks you through how to use the new Funnel Builder.

I do recommend going through the video as this is fairly advanced stuff, but if you’re like me and you just want to figure things out along the way, there are various prompts throughout the builder.

Here’s what it looks like when you first fire it up:

cta funnel builder

As you can see, RightMessage starts you off with a basic structure consisting of a question and some conditional logic.

This conditional logic allows you to provide a dynamic experience on your website. In this example, it checks whether the prospect is currently an email subscribers, and what happens next depends on whether or not they are.

This is useful because it prevents you from pitching the wrong thing at the wrong time. If the prospect is already subscribed, then showing them an opt-in form is really just a wasted opportunity.

Instead, as RightMessage suggests, you might pitch them a course on the relevant topic:

basic course

So that’s the concept, but there are various ways to implement call to actions here, and various tools at your disposal.

For starters, you can apply multiple elements to your funnel in order to build complex sequences, and you can add multiple levels of conditional logic to make your sequences more targeted.

To do so, you simply click the plus icon in the relevant branch to bring up the different elements:

funnel builder menu

To clarify, the options are:

  • Ask a question, which can be used to collect vital information about prospects as well as a condition to split your funnel.
  • Pitch an offer, which is essentially a popup with a custom offer designed to get permission from the prospect via a button click.
  • Split by segments, which allows you to split the funnel based on the answers given across multiple questions.
  • Split by a yes/no decision, which allows you to split the funnel based on various factors such as email list, segments, referrer, pages, UTM parameters and more.
  • Exit the funnel here, which ends the funnel and stops any further actions from taking place.

So that’s how it works, but how does it actually work?

When you add an element, such as a question or an offer, RightMessage will present an overlay with a few additional options.

For example, adding an offer gives you this overlay:


Here you can customize the overlay heading, subheading, button copy, and destination URL. Strangely, there aren’t any design controls.

When your prospect reaches this stage of your funnel, your offer—which communicated through this custom overlay—is displayed.

Creating a question overlay gives you a similar interface whereby you add any number of answers, connect it to your ESP (email service provider) and apply auto-segmentation based on answers given.


In other words, the whole system is built into the funnel builder so you never have to leave this interface when adding elements to your funnel.

If you’ve ever used the automation workflow features inside ActiveCampaign or Drip, you’ll know how frustrating it is having to transition out of the workflow builder to add elements to the automation. RightMessage has the right idea here.

Overall, the new CTA Funnel Builder is incredibly well thought out from a development standpoint, and it opens the doors to endless possibilities when it comes to personalized website messaging.

RightMessage Widget Options

Once you’re done building out your CTA Funnel, you’ll need to turn it into a widget in order to place it on your website.

To create the widget, click the ‘Publish to Site’ button in the top right corner:

publish to site

RightMessage will prompt you to integrate with your email service provider, allowing it to decipher between ‘subscriber’ and ‘anonymous’ visitors at the relevant points in your funnel.

The possible integrations are with:


As far as email integrations go, this isn’t a bad list. Though anyone who uses other services like Aweber, MailerLite, or SendInBlue (like me) will obviously be disappointed.

It is possible to use this feature without an email service provider, but it does mean sacrificing some of the “intelligence” of this approach — namely that it won’t be able to decipher between an existing subscriber and an anonymous visitor.

Either way, the next screen will provide you with a short code snippet that you embed on your site, like this:

embed code

Most marketing platforms these days rely on this process, so you’ve no doubt had to do this in the past. If not, a simple plugin like Embed Code will allow you to place the snippet in the header of every page.

Once installed, you can click the orange ‘Check’ button to make sure everything is being recognized correctly.

Now, to get something to actually display on your website, you need to install what RightMessage refers to as a “widget”. And yes, widgets were already used prior to this update, but there has been improvements.

From within the Funnel Builder, you can click the widget icon in the sidebar to bring up the widget options:

widget options

Your choice of widget dictates where and how your questions and offers are displayed, now with two new widget types to choose from:

  • Bar (Hello Bar)
  • Toaster (Slide-in)
  • Embedded (In-Content)
  • Full-screen takeover (Overlay)
  • Popup (Traditional)

Once you’ve chosen the type of widget you want to display, you’ll then be prompted to customize its behavior and appearance.

Starting with triggers, your options haven’t changed much since the release of the Funnel Builder:


Notably, you can now set your widget to display manually (button or link click), as well as being able to set the number of questions to ask, so if multiple questions apply you can restrict those as needed.

Strangely, however, it appears the responsive settings that allow you to disable the widget on specific devices have been removed.

Moving over to the style tab, you’ll also be able to achieve closer branding alignment thanks to extra color options, as well as a button animation setting to draw attention:


I should point out that you can preview individual questions and offers from this screen, and the settings applied here will apply to all elements in the current funnel.

Overall, widget customization comes with a refreshed interface and a few new options when it comes to widget types, triggers and styling, though the process will still feel very familiar to returning users.

Tracking & Reporting

The first iteration of this review painted a pretty average picture of the tracking and reporting aspect of this platform. It was good, but not great.

As before, RightMessage still tracks everything that happens in terms of questions being answered, offers being clicked, and data-points enriched — and for the record, it works flawlessly.

The main sticking point was the depth of the reporting available, as well one of the reporting metrics being little more than a placeholder to advertise an upcoming feature.

Here’s what the dashboard looked like previously:

old dashboard

Fast-forward to late 2019, and there have been some noticeable changes to the reporting dashboard.

For one, the metric that was unavailable, which was ‘New Opt-Ins’, has now been replaced with a new metric called “Offers Converted”. This provides tracking data on offers used in the CTA Funnels.

Here’s what that looks like:

new dashboard

As you can see, nothing has changed visually and I doubt anyone would wish otherwise. The appearance of the reporting dashboard—and RightMessage as a whole—was always a winning attribute in my opinion.

Secondly, for those who prefer to keep tabs on the performance of their business inside Google Analytics, RightMessage now offers a solution.

Thanks to a recent Google Analytics integration, you can send event data from RightMessage to your Google Analytics account:

enable analytics

Specifically, this is what happens when you enable this option in the settings:

“When enabled, events will automatically be sent to Google Analytics when a question is answered or an offer is accepted.”

Overall, while these updates aren’t groundbreaking additions when it comes to tracking and reporting, but adding more data and alternative ways to view and manage that data is almost always a positive step.

Documentation & Support

I already mentioned the lack of feature descriptions, and this only puts more pressure on documentation and support.

Question is, how good are they?

Starting the knowledge base, or what they refer to as the “Learning Center”, you’ll find several categories from troubleshooting to personalization examples.

learning center

With close to 100 articles listed here, you get good coverage on the basic elements of this platform, but it was far from perfect.

For example, looking for more information on the funnel aspect of RightMessage, the knowledge base gave me few relevant results. Not very helpful.

searching the learning center

If you need a more hands-on support channel, you can submit a ticket directly from inside your RightMessage account.

This is essentially an email that’s routed through dedicated support software:

email support

What most people gravitate towards these days, however, is a reliable live chat support system.

As you would expect, RightMessage chat support can be accessed via the floating icon in the corner of your screen.

live chat toggle

You’ll first be prompted to search the knowledge base from within this popup interface (which I actually like), but you can access the chat by clicking “Get in touch”.

I tested the chat myself and got a response from the founder—Brennan Dunn—within minutes of submitting my question.

chat response

Brennan took the time to properly answer a relentless series of questions, and I honestly could not praise him highly enough for that level of commitment.

Finally, there is a community Facebook group called Personalization Marketing Mastermind that’s promoted through the app interface. It currently has over 900 members.

Facebook group

Overall, I found the live chat and community support more than made up for some obvious gaps in the learning center. Great experience.

Take the free 14-day RightMessage trial

RightMessage Pricing

RightMessage’s pricing plans have evolved over time.

So here’s how it currently works

RightMessage has two different plans. Although the price for each plan increases based on the number of visitors your website gets.  With 10,000 visitors being the starting point.

At this starting point, you can pick from the CTA Plan which is $79 a month.  And the Personalize Plan is $179 a month.

The only difference between the two plans?  It’s just the personalization options that we’ve talked about above.  Everything else is the same between the two.

If your website gets more traffic than 10,000 a month, then you’ll need to pay extra as well.  Each plan increases $30 per month for every 10,000 visitors you get.

Of course, the more traffic you get, the more impact this tool will have on your marketing.  So that should pay for the increased cost.

You do get a 14-day free trial though if you want to test out the service.

Final Thoughts

RightMessage is a really impressive software, and I love the possibilities that you can do with it.  It’s also starting to gain traction in the market, with people like Pat Flynn starting to get awesome results with the tool.

It’s not a cheap tool however.  But if using it can bring you additional revenue that will offset the cost then why not try it.

The good news is, RightMessage offers a free 14-day trial on all plans so you can find out just how valuable it is.

Take the free 14-day RightMessage trial

RightMessage Bonuses

Did our RightMessage review get you interested in signing up for the service?

Why not get some extra RightMessage bonuses for your troubles?

Bonus #1: 30 Days of Personal Mentoring from me over FB messenger ($997 value)

FB Mesenger Support

Got a question? No problem. I help all my affiliates by providing one on one mentoring that will take your business to the next level.

Whether you need technical help with RightMessage, or you just want to talk about website monetization in general, you have full access to me for 30 days.

Bonus #2:  Software In a Box Membership Access ($1,997 value)


The goal of Software in a Box is to help you earn more high ticket affiliate commissions.

As a member, you will get your own personal dashboard which allows you to create unlimited Group Convert and Watcher Spy software accounts.

These can be used as bonuses to help sell RightMessage, or any other affiliate product.  Or just as lead magnets to grow your email list.

Group Convert is one of my favorites softwares. I’ve personally used it to add over 4,000 email leads from my personal FB group.  It’s a setup once and forget software that will make a huge difference in your business.

Watcher Spy is my secret content marketing weapon. I use it to follow my favorite influencers and use it for content ideas, learn marketing strategies, and to network.

Plus, I will also be adding future softwares into this membership which you will also get bonus rights to. This includes my next software product called FP Affiliate Extractor.

NOTE: You will get access to your Software-in-a-Box account once you become a paying RightMessage member. 

Bonus #3: One Software in a Box Bonus License every month ($1,800+ value)

SIAB Bonus License

I want to help you make your first few RightMessage affiliate sales as easy as possible. And help you quickly recoup the cost of your purchase.

So I am also going to be giving you one Software in a Box membership bonus license every month that you remain a paying RightMessage member.

You can use this license as a bonus to make RightMessage sales for yourself.

Creating bonuses is hard, but you now have a Done-For-You irresistible RightMessage bonus offer ready to go from the beginning!

I’m personally using these licenses as a bonus myself, and I’ve proven that it’s an amazing incentive to get people to click on your links.  And others have been using these licenses successfully as well.

How Do I Get My RightMessage Bonuses?

All you need to do is signup for your RightMessage account using THIS LINK. Make sure to open the link in an Incognito Window in Chrome or a Private Window in Firefox to ensure you get credit.

Once you signup, reach out to me using this contact page. And I will send you your bonuses within 24 hours after verifying your purchase.

RightMessage Pros

  • Modern, easy-to-use interface
  • Great onboarding/setup process
  • Advanced segmenting conditions
  • Survey-based segmentation
  • Point-and-click website editing for personalization
  • Change, hide or apply custom styling to page elements
  • Event and conversion tracking with Campaign Goals
  • Personalized Hello Bars with RightBar
  • Outstanding live chat support

RightMessage Cons

  • Integrations are limited
  • Reporting is too reliant on third-party integrations
  • Documentation could use improvement
  • Personalization requires a premium plan
  • Not exactly budget-friendly
Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you enjoyed this RightMessage review. Please note that any links inside this article may be affiliate links to RightMessage. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, I may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, thanks! Any money we make keeps this site running and allows us to keep producing high-quality reviews.
About Chris Fong

Chris Fong is a blogger and a 6 figure a year affiliate marketer. He enjoys helping others learn about different marketing tools and helping people achieve success online.
