Who’s Using LeadPages To Build Their Email List

If you’re running a small business, then it’s essential that you are collecting email addresses from people visiting your site. If you haven’t started doing this yet, then you are potentially leaving traffic and money on the table.

What is the best way to collect email addresses on your site? That would be through the use of opt-in forms and squeeze pages on your site.

The problem is that most marketers don’t know how to design and code their own optin-forms and squeeze pages. Not only is it technically challenging to code everything by hand, but you have to invest a significant amount of time tweaking your design and copy to get the most conversions.

Luckily, there are several products out there that will help you with this entire process. And the most popular of these services is called LeadPages.

LeadPages has pretty much taken the online marketing world by storm and is pretty much the de-facto way to add squeeze pages and opt-in boxes to your site.

LeadPages Pros:

  • Intuitive landing page designer creates squeeze pages in minutes.
  • Over 90 beautiful templates to choose from, with new ones added monthly.
  • Templates for sales pages, optin pages, webinar pages, thank you pages, launch pages, upsell pages, and more.
  • Leadboxes – Easy to use, conversion optimized popups that help you collect leads.
  • Split testing baked in – perform A/B split tests with ease for optimal conversions.
  • Lead Magnent Delivery – Deliver your optin incentive to your subscribers immediately after they sign up.

I’m not going to bore you with an extensive LeadPages review. There are plenty of these out there, and I’ll just refer you to my friend Josh Kotsay who wrote an excellent LeadPages review here.

Instead, I’m more interested in how people are using LeadPages in their business.

I did some research and I’ve put together a list of several big name marketers who are using LeadPages on their sites right now and show you how they are using it.

I hope this gives you some inspiration into how you can use LeadPages to start building your list.


Adding a Leadbox to your site is probably the easiest way to start using LeadPages. While you can use a LeadBox as a timed pop up like several other similar products, I see most people use the default two step optin process LeadBox.

This means that the user needs to click a link, button or image before the LeadBox popup shows up.

Studies have shown that this 2-step opt-in process does improve conversions.


Mixergy is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. Andrew Warner puts together some excellent interviews with startup founders where you can learn about the stories that helped them succeed with their business.

To get people to join his list, he’s added a LeadBox to his site which offers 9 of his most popular interviews.

Visitors will get shown this Leadbox when they click on any of the entrepreneur’s photos on the front page.


It’s the most basic LeadBox you can create, but probably still very effective because of Andrew’s brand.

SideHustleNation is a blog and podcast by Nick Loper. It’s all about learning how to do interesting things and earn extra money outside of your real job.

Nick integrates his LeadBox on the sidebar of his blog, which you can see by clicking on the ‘I’m a Hustler’ button. If you sign up, you get access to his Free Report.


This LeadBox has a fancier design which incorporates a graphical cover for his report.

Content Upgrades


Brian Dean really popularized the idea of content upgrades with this post. Essentially, he found that he was able to increase his conversions by 785% by offering a very targeted content upgrade to his most popular posts.

LeadPages facilitiates the implementation of content upgrades via LeadBoxes and also helps by automating the delivery of the bonus to your new subscriber.

Amy Porterfield is another great example of someone who uses content upgrades extensively to collect leads. Take a look at her most recent posts and you can see that she provides cheat sheets that tie in directly to each post.


Squeeze Pages

Squeeze pages are where LeadPages is really effective because you can take advantage of the beautifully designed templates they offer to add a high converting landing page to your site.

Meron Bareket is the creator of the Inspiring Innovation Podcast which is an excellent listen. His optin incentive is The Podcast Starter Kit, which is a 7 day video course teaching you everything you need to know to launch a successful podcast.

Instead of your basic Lead Box, he’s put together a full-on squeeze page which gives him an entire page to describe the benefits of his course. It’s very nicely put together and probably converts very well.


Webinar Landing Page

If you have the ability to put one together, webinars are a great way to provide value to your subscribers and make sales.

Pat Flynn is one of the most successful bloggers out there today. He’s built the Smart Passive Income brand into one of the most recognizable in the marketing world. Leadpages has even incorporated 2 of his landing pages as templates that you can use as a LeadPages customer.

On his most recent SPI TV Episode 9, Pat announced that he’s going to do a webinar on Mastermind Groups later this month.

And guess what, he used LeadPages to design this beautiful webinar page.


Final Thoughts

As you can see, LeadPages is being used prominently by some very successful marketers to collect leads on their site. That’s because LeadPages makes it easy for anyone to create high converting opt-in forms and squeeze pages.

There are a variety of ways you can use LeadPages in your business and I hope this post gives you some inspiration on how to use it.

If LeadPages sounds great, and you are ready to buy, don’t forget to take a look at my LeadPage bonus before you do. I put a lot of research into it, and it will give you a great headstart to getting the most out of LeadPages.

Try LeadPages Now
