The Affiliate Secrets Backdoor: How anyone can start making $448 affiliate commissions

What if I told you about an affiliate offer that pays out $448 per sale.

That you can easily make by sending your traffic to an extremely high converting FREE offer.

And you’d have one of the top affiliates in the world helping you close the sale for you?

Even a complete affiliate marketing newbie can start earning these high ticket affiliate commissions by following the steps I’m going to share below.

Wouldn’t you take action on this? Like immediately?

First, a screenshot from my affiliate account.

Buildapreneur Affiliate

3 sales of a $897 product from only 58 signups? That adds up to a nice $1,345 in affiliate commissions.  Not bad for a couple weeks work right?

Buildapreneur is Spencer Mecham’s brand name.  And the offer I’m promoting is his Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Course.  It’s one of the best trainings I’ve taken, and it helped me take my affiliate business to the next level.

It also pays you $448 per sale (50% commissions), which puts it right up there, in terms of highest commission payouts I’ve seen.

But this article is not about promoting Affiliate Secrets directly.

Instead, I’m going to show you why you should be be promoting the training indirectly through Spencer’s other free courses.

Which means anybody can do it… and should start doing so today.

Who is Spencer?

Before I continue, you may be wondering who this Spencer guy is and why I’m so excited about promoting him.

Spencer Hammock

That’s an easy one.

Spencer is the #1 ClickFunnels affiliate, and very well known in the ClickFunnels community.  He was also their first affiliate to surpass $1 million in ClickFunnels affiliate commissions.

That’s amazing!

But what makes Spencer stand out from other super affiliates is how accessible he is.  Plus he’s a nice guy to boot!

Every day he is dropping value for free in his Facebook group, his YouTube channel, and his free courses.  He even did an interview for me on this site which you can learn a lot from.

Consume any of his content and you will immediately see that he comes across as a genuine and humble guy, who knows what he’s talking about.

And most importantly he’s a great teacher of affiliate marketing who really wants to help people.

Which is what makes this strategy work so incredibly well.  Because once someone enters Spencer’s ecosystem, there is a good chance that they will eventually buy his course…which turns into a nice, fat affiliate commission for you.

Ok, now that’s out of the way, let’s me show you how this works, step by step.

Step 1. Pick one of Spencer’s free courses and watch it

Spencer makes all his free courses available on his site. 

Spencer's Free Courses

He has trainings on Affiliate Marketing, Email Automation, Copywriting  and Sales Funnels.

Pick one of the courses to start with, and create your free account.

Now go through the entire course. 

Spencer's Free Affiliate Marketing course

This is important, because I don’t believe you can do a good job promoting anything (even a free course), if you haven’t gone through it yourself.

Take notes on what you like and what you can apply to your own business.  If possible, implement some of these things and document what works (and what doesn’t).

Now you can use these notes as the basis for your story. And this story is what is going to get people to signing up to Spencer’s free course using your affiliate link.

Step 2. Sign up for Spencer’s affiliate program

Spencer recently made the the switch over to the FirstPromoter affiliate platform.

What makes the affiliate program so special is that he’s set things up so that you can link to ANY content on his domain, and anyone that clicks on your link is automatically sticky cookied to you.

So you could create an affiliate link to any of his blog posts, his tools page, and yes, his free courses to get that sticky cookie.

But the free courses are where the real magic is at.  Because this is where Spencer collects your referrals email address and they enter into his automated marketing machine.

He’s going to try to get every one of your leads into his Facebook group, his chatbot and more.  Which gives him multiple touchpoints where HE can leverage his brand and personality to get people to purchase his course.

Use this is the link to sign up for Spencer’s affiliate program.  It’s free and you should be instantly approved.

Once you’re in, you’ll need to get your affiliate link for his free courses page.

To do this, first click on the Links dropdown.

Buildapreneur Affiliate Links

This will reveal all the custom links you have already created.

Next click on the Add Link button at the bottom.  This will reveal the settings to Add your new link.

Then, just put in your link name, and the link url, which in this case will be

Buildapreneur Add new link

Hit the Save button and your affiliate link will now appear in the text box.  You can then press the Copy button and insert it into your favorite link tracking tool.

Your Buildapreneur affiliate link

Step 3. Promote your affiliate link

What’s nice about linking to any of Spencer’s free courses is that you can promote it in a wide variety of non-spammy ways.  And since you are offering something of actual value, it’s much easier to get someone to signup than a paid product.

Which means any affiliate marketer should be able to do this, regardless of skill level.

To spark some ideas, let me show you how I am currently (or will be) promoting this offer myself.

  1. Writing this blog post and posting it on platforms like Medium.  Once you get your first affiliate commissions with this strategy, you can also do the same.
  2. Promoting this blog post as part of my email series and on my Facebook chat bot.
  3. Adding a banner sidebar ad to this site.
  4. Linking to it inside my Facebook group.
  5. Linking to it inside of my free 6 Figure Profits Membership site.

And here are 14 other promotion ideas I know that will also work really well.  Pick as many of them as you can to implement.

  1. Create a YouTube video going through the course.
  2. Do a FB live inside your group mentioning the training.
  3. Answer relevant questions on Quora and link to it.
  4. Mention it to anybody you are helping 1 on 1 that’s interested in learning about Digital Marketing.
  5. Add it to the resources page of your website.
  6. Publish a favorite affiliate marketing courses post on your favorite platform (Wordpress/Medium).
  7. Create a bridge page and run paid ads (Adwords or Facebook).
  8. Do a guest post on a high traffic site and mention it as a resource.
  9. Buy banner ads on targeted websites.
  10. Give out some sort of bonus to get people to sign up.  Check out my Bonus Powerpack for some ideas.
  11. Buy some solo ads. Promote it directly or as part of your solo ad sequence.
  12. Add it as a resource that’s part of your lead magnet.
  13. Promote it using an exit popup with a software like Thrive Leads.
  14. Offer it as a downsell, if people don’t take a paid training you are promoting like the One Funnel Away Challenge or Legendary Marketer.

Why this is going to make you money

There are a few free offers I’ve found that you can promote and make some decent affiliate commissions.

For example, the Affiliate Bootcamp is a pretty sweet free offer, which coincidently Spencer is also featured in!

But it only offers $100 commissions vs $448 per sale.  And you’re competing with a lot more people for these commissions.

Spencer’s affiliate program checks all the boxes I’m looking for.

  • If pairs really well with other affiliate offers you are promoting…especially ClickFunnels since Spencer is so well regarded in the community.
  • The free courses are actually good and I would actually recommend them even if I wasn’t earning a commission from them.
  • Spencer is not selling anything directly in these courses. It is pure value and it builds trust in him as a brand.
  • Once your referral puts in their email, they are linked to you for life.
  • Spencer is good at promoting his own stuff. He knows how to write email and do Facebook ad retargeting.  You basically have a super affiliate working for you to make you sales on autopilot.
  • Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is a highly popular and well-regarded course.  It has tons of social proof and testimonials from many people including 10+ Dream Car winners and myself.  So it sells well, even at the high price point.  According to Spencer he’s only ever received 2 refunds on the course.

Next Steps

Hopefully, this post got you excited about earning some Affiliate Secrets 2.0 commissions.

I’m personally just getting started with this, but I see the huge potential there.

If you follow the steps I’ve outlined above, it won’t be long before you earn your first commission.   Once you do, leverage this with your own audience since you can demonstrate your own real results.

This will lead to even more leads and commissions for you.

And don’t forget to actually purchase Affiliate Secrets with your earnings.  You only need 2 commissions to pay for it completely.

It turned me into a better affiliate marketer and I know it will do the same for you.

To recap, here is what you need to do:

  1. Sign up and go through 1 or more of Spencer’s free courses.
  2. Sign up for Spencer’s affiliate program.
  3. Create your affiliate link to the free course.
  4. Promote your link to your audience.
  5. Profit!
About Chris Fong

Chris Fong is a blogger and a 6 figure a year affiliate marketer. He enjoys helping others learn about different marketing tools and helping people achieve success online.
