5 Things That Kill Motivation at the Workplace

"A happy workforce is a productive workforce!" Yeah, we've all heard that before. Here's the thing though, this is fact and actually very true - happy, motivated workers actually do better at the workplace and are more productive, according to any of the million-and-one studies that have been … [Read more...]

Common Interview Questions and The Meaning Behind Them

Even for people who've been on a countless number of job interviews, everything about an interview - and especially the process of answering all kinds of questions during the interview - can be quite stressful. I've been in ton of these, so I can certainly relate! The thing though about … [Read more...]

The Customer is Always Right! .. Or Is He?

'The customer is king' and 'customer is always right' are just a few of the commonly-used and oft-thrown-around terms in business. Such business concepts stress upon the fact that it is essential to put the customer (and his needs) first, and that it is never a good idea to disagree with a customer … [Read more...]

7 Things Killing Your Productivity (and What You Can Do About Them)

Time, as they say, is money. People want to get more done in less time. And as life become more fast with the passage of time, and those personal and professional responsibilities add up, people look for ways to become more productive and efficient. For professionals, increasing productivity is … [Read more...]

Case Study: How NOT to Do Customer Service

'Customer is king' and 'it is essential to put the customer first' are just some of the concepts which underline the importance of good customer service. Indeed, your customer is perhaps the most important business asset: if you don't have any, your business will cease to exist - it's as simple as … [Read more...]

Dress to Impress: Why Your Attire Matters

Fact: People judge others based on their physical appearance. Think about it, how someone chooses to dress is usually one of the first things you notice about them. Appearances matter. Your clothing and how you choose to dress will be a big part of your appearance, and hence a big part of how … [Read more...]

Building Customer Loyalty

Why do people buy an iPhone? Why do people prefer shopping on Amazon? Why do a large percentage of internet users prefer to use Google? Why do Ford fans buy Ford only? Why do Nikon enthusiasts prefer Nikon cameras and lens? Why do people stick with specific brands and names when it comes to … [Read more...]

Characteristics and Qualities of Great Employees

Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure to work with many different kinds of people, including some absolutely stellar folks – people who were not only loyal, hard-working, dedicated, talented, and outstanding employees at the places that they worked at; they were great human beings as well. And … [Read more...]

Why It Is Essential to Put Customers First (and How Organizations Do It!)

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” – Ray Kroc. Raymond Albert Kroc, aka Ray Kroc, is of course the man behind the massive success a little fast-food chain known as McDonald’s! He is … [Read more...]

How to Have the Best Human Resource Working For You

Finding valuable human resource is tough. Keeping them in your organization, even more so! Make no mistake, as a business owner, good or valuable human resource is one of your most important assets. If you have capable and highly-motivated people working for you – if you can have great people … [Read more...]
