10 Qualities of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

Let’s begin with a question: Are successful entrepreneurs born or developed? Entrepreneurs are some of the most multi-talented and diverse people out there. A successful entrepreneur puts on many different hats at the same time – he’s a project manager, a risk-taker, an accountant, a … [Read more...]

5 Amazing Tricks to Get a Raise

Asking for a raise, we've all been there, haven't we? The 3 words that I would use to describe the whole process of asking for a raise would be tricky, daunting and nerve-wracking! But here's the thing, it doesn't need to be any of those things - as long as you play your cards … [Read more...]

LinkedIn 101 for Professionals

With over 300 million users and 2 new users added each second, LinkedIn is one of the largest, fastest-growing social media networking website out there, and has the unique honor of being the only social network for professionals, job-seekers, head-hunters, as well as company-heads and … [Read more...]

5 Ways to be Indispensable at Work

"The most important thing for workers to understand is that you have to make yourself indispensable. You must make money for your employer or make his life easier, preferably both. Also, you have to learn as much as you can about your chosen endeavor." - Bill O'Reilly In today's economy and job … [Read more...]

A Comprehensive List of Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Businesses

For small and medium enterprises and businesses, having a presence on social media is not just important any more, it is essential! These businesses need to ensure that they have a strong presence on all social mediums where their customers and clients are present, and that they regularly engage … [Read more...]

How To Avoid Burnout at Work

It really isn't a big secret that our lives, and in particular, our work lives are becoming more and more stressful with the passage of each day. We feel frustrated because of our jobs more often than not, and bad days pile to become bad weeks or even bad months. Every day is a struggle and every … [Read more...]

Salary Negotiation Tips (and Why It’s Important)

Salary negotiations are important - both when you're first offered a job, and also during performance reviews . It can be an uncomfortable, often nerve-wracking conversation to bring up, and may make you uneasy, especially during a job interview. But nonetheless, negotiating your salary and … [Read more...]

Go Green: How to Make Your Office Greener and More Environment-Friendly

Green is in! Small businesses, large multinationals and everyone in between is consciously working towards 'going green' and becoming more eco-friendly. And it actually makes sense. With computers, electrical equipment and work places taking up more energy, producing more heat, releasing harmful … [Read more...]

The Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Website for Small Businesses

The internet - and in particular it's evolution over the past few years - has been nothing short of a significant game-changer for businesses and corporations. Access to high-speed internet and internet-tools has become easier, cheaper and much more wide-spread across the globe. All of which of … [Read more...]

8 Surefire Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Forbes ran a job satisfaction survey last year which yielded not-so-surprising results: "[Out of the] 411 workers [surveyed] in the U.S. and Canada, only 19% said they were satisfied with their jobs. Another 16% said they were “somewhat satisfied.” But the rest, nearly two-thirds of respondents, … [Read more...]
