With over 300 million users and 2 new users added each second, LinkedIn is one of the largest, fastest-growing social media networking website out there, and has the unique honor of being the only social network for professionals, job-seekers, head-hunters, as well as company-heads and … [Read more...]
8 Surefire Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job
Forbes ran a job satisfaction survey last year which yielded not-so-surprising results: "[Out of the] 411 workers [surveyed] in the U.S. and Canada, only 19% said they were satisfied with their jobs. Another 16% said they were “somewhat satisfied.” But the rest, nearly two-thirds of respondents, … [Read more...]
Negotiation Tips: How to Get What You Want
For me, being a good negotiator is one of the cornerstones to success in business. Good negotiations skills can come in handy in many different situations that one encounters in his/her personal or professional life. In the business world, good negotiations skills can be the difference between … [Read more...]
Building Customer Loyalty
Why do people buy an iPhone? Why do people prefer shopping on Amazon? Why do a large percentage of internet users prefer to use Google? Why do Ford fans buy Ford only? Why do Nikon enthusiasts prefer Nikon cameras and lens? Why do people stick with specific brands and names when it comes to … [Read more...]