The 9 Best Places to Add An Email Optin Form To Your Website

There is no doubt that email marketing remains the best and most effective way to market your products and services to potential customers. SEO is very unstable and Pay per click marketing can be extremely expensive. Email on the other hand is very stable, as long as you cultivate your list … [Read more...]

Steve Jobs Quotes

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and … [Read more...]

Best Marketing Blogs and News Aggregation Websites

The internet is BIG, and expanding at a rapid pace with the passage of each second. There are millions upon million of websites out there now, which means that not only is there more news on the internet than what you could possibly ever consume, there's more news and more information is being put … [Read more...]

10 Most Engaged Brands on Facebook

For a business or a brand, social media presence is of the utmost importance. However being on social media is only one part of the story, actually engaging your audience is a completely different task, and a big one in itself! Social media engagement is essential when it comes to being … [Read more...]

8 Signs Your Business is Growing Too Fast

Business growth and expansion is always good - unless it happens too quickly. Yes, too much business growth can actually be bad especially for startups and small businesses, and rapid, uncontrolled business expansion can have negative repercussions in the short as well as the long-run. I know, it … [Read more...]

9 Habits Geared Towards Self-Improvement

In order to have a lead a good life, and have a more richer, fulfilling personal and professional life, self-improvement is essential. A lot of people out there - including many of those reading this - might have plans to improve. But what people usually lack is the means - the means to get where … [Read more...]

How to Build Your Business and Brand’s Authority

Small and medium businesses often struggle when it comes to building their business and brand authority. The problem stems from the fact that there small businesses are usually the proverbial 'small fish in a big pond' - the larger, more established businesses, or the 'big fish' in other words, are … [Read more...]

Donald Trump Quotes

"I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." – Donald Trump Think big he did, and look where he is now! Donald Trump is one of the most successful people in the world today, one of the most successful entrepreneurs out there, and let's not forget … [Read more...]

7 Productivity Tips and Lessons from Successful People

Maximizing productivity is something that every organization - right down to every single individual working in that setup - aspires to do. If you think about it, we often think about being more productive on a personal level in the different facets of our lives, and how we can be more productive … [Read more...]

Thomas Edison Inspirational Quotes

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison Thomas Edison was perhaps one of the greatest inventors the world has ever seen, and quite possibly, one of the greatest entrepreneurs to have ever lived! He is credited … [Read more...]
