Super Affiliate Accelerator Review: Start and Grow Your Own High Ticket Affiliate Business

Is there anything better than checking your email and seeing a $500+ commission notification in your inbox?

That’s high ticket affiliate marketing for you.

And it’s the holy grail for any affiliate marketer.

What’s great about the world of affiliate marketing, is that it’s very possible to earn these types of high ticket affiliate commissions.

Super Affiliate Accelerator Review

Last updated: Jan 17, 2021
Initially published: April 14, 2020
Product rating: 4.8 / 5.0

tl;dr Summary
The SAA is Jacob Caris’ training for teaching you how to create your own successful high ticket affiliate business using proven, reproducible strategies.

Visit the website

That can turn into a life-changing affiliate business for yourself.

Especially if you have in your hands the secret to closing high ticket sales.

And that’s what Jacob Caris’ Super Affiliate Accelerator program is all about.

It’s a combination training course + live weekly calls + inner circle community that arms you with the knowledge to start earning high ticket affiliate commissions right now.

In this Super Affiliate Accelerator review, I’m going to share with you what it’s about and why it’s going to be an essential part of my affiliate marketing stack moving forward.

Super Affiliate Accelerator logo

Here’s what I am going to cover:

I’m also offering some awesome Super Affiliate Accelerator bonuses for everyone that purchases the training through my link, which you can find at the bottom of this review.

SAA Bonuses

Don’t Miss My Exclusive Super Affiliate Accelerator Bonuses

What is the Super Affiliate Accelerator?

I’ve been following Jacob for a while now, and he is someone that I’ve really come to respect for his immense knowledge of affiliate marketing.

First of all, the guy gets results.

In the past couple of years, he became a ClickFunnels Dream Car Winner (100+ affiliates) and a Legendary Marketer Platinum affiliate (earning $100k+ in commissions).

He ended up #11 on the leaderboard for the first Knowledge Broker Blueprint launch while also locking in his first $100k affiliate commission day promoting it!

Legendary Marketer even asked him to speak at one of their masterminds, and that talk became its own module inside their Marketer’s Club product.

Jacob Caris Marketers Club

Jacob is not some one-trick pony either. He’s had success through multiple channels including blogging, YouTube, email marketing, paid ads, and Facebook.

Honestly, even if you don’t read the rest of this review, just join his free Facebook group and subscribe to his YouTube channel right now.

I guarantee you will level up your marketing skills just from consuming all the free, value-packed content that he puts out every day.

So what is the Super Affiliate Accelerator (SAA)?

SAA is an exclusive training program that focuses on teaching you how to make high ticket affiliate sales using Facebook.

There are 3 main components to the Super Affiliate Accelerator program.

First, there’s the membership training portal that teaches Jacob’s entire method for making these high ticket sales. At the time of this review, there are 14 modules that are broken down into bite-sized, video lessons.

(As someone who gets bored easily with long-winded videos, I really appreciate this aspect of the course very much)

SAA Members Area

Then there are the live training calls that Jacob and the other 2 coaches in the program (Chris Donnelly and Jamie Gardiner) do on a weekly basis.

This is your opportunity to get live, personal help with any questions you may be having.  These calls usually last around 90 minutes, and they are actually quite engaging, useful, and entertaining.

SAA Weekly Live Call

And finally, there’s the private FB group community. This is one of the most active and supportive groups I’ve been a part of and it’s another place to ask questions and get help.

But more importantly, you will find yourself getting even more motivated by seeing the results everyone else is getting. That kick in the pants might be all you need to push yourself over the top.

SAA Big Wins

What’s the training really all about?

The training itself is all about giving you a complete sales process to sell high ticket affiliate products and earning big affiliate commissions.

Its main focus is on building your brand on Facebook and closing sales via Facebook messenger.

When you have completed the whole training, you will be equipped with the mindset, skills, strategies, and frameworks to promote any affiliate product you want.  

If I had to pick one thing that’s given me the most value so far?

It’s probably the sales script framework.

This is an 11-step process that you use with every prospect you talk to, which spans from initial outreach to closing the sale.

Following this script will allow you to both identify the people that are good fits for your high ticket offer AND quickly move on from the people that are just wasting your time.

I’ve gotten so many “aha” moments from studying the script already and it’s something I intend on practicing and mastering until it becomes completely naturally to me.  And it has become an important part of my own business that I use every day.

Don’t Miss My Exclusive Super Affiliate Accelerator Bonuses

Why I joined the Super Affiliate Accelerator

I almost didn’t join the Super Affiliate Accelerator.

I had an opportunity to sign up when it first launched (back when it was $500!) but I didn’t because I was busy and I wasn’t really clear what the program was all about.

For some reason, I thought it was some paid 1-1 coaching program with Jacob. Which, while cool is not something I had the time or desire to do.

But then one day on my FB feed I saw that Nathan Lucas had joined the program.

Nathan Lucas… the #1 Legendary Marketer Affiliate who has made over $1 million in commissions with Legendary.


Now that gave me some serious FOMO!

So I reached out to my Facebook buddy Mike who was in the program already to find out what it was really about and what he liked most about it.

Even with the relatively “high” price tag, I felt that the SAA would be worth the money for me.

For one, I had already purchased Jacob’s other course, Dream Car Profits so I had a good idea of the quality of the paid courses that Jacob puts out.

And second, I was already FB friends with many existing SAA members who are consistently getting fantastic results from it.

Blake Fontana, one of my ClickFunnels affiliates, hit the $10k mark in SAA commissions.

Blake Fontana SAA

The affiliate brothers, Evan and Eugene Wong are also seriously crushing it with this system, seemingly getting commissions every single day following this exact process.


And maybe the biggest success story of all has to be one of my Legendary Marketer affiliates, Joshua Ong who hit his first $22k month while a member of the program.

He did so well with SAA that he was able to leave his nursing job and pursue online marketing full time!

Josh Ong SAA

These were the types of success stories that made it a no-brainer for me to jump on board too.

(BTW, all three of these guys were interviewed for the Top Earners Training module inside SAA)

Don’t Miss My Exclusive Super Affiliate Accelerator Bonuses

What do I like most about the SAA?

I know first hand how lucrative high ticket affiliate marketing can be.

I’m already having success promoting affiliate programs that pay huge affiliate commissions like the Amazing Selling Machine ($1497 per sale), Legendary Marketer ($1,000+ per sale), Affiliate Triad (up to $1,915 per sale), and ActiveCampaign ($1k+ recurring).

But, even though I’ve had some success with high ticket affiliate marketing, my old sales process consisted of people reading my product reviews and “hoping” they like whatever bonuses I’m offering and clicking on my links.

Which is what made the Super Affiliate Accelerator so exciting for me to consume.

Because it taught me a repeatable, proven sales process that works.  And I can apply it on top of what I’m already doing to make more of these high ticket affiliate sales.

I already know how powerful Facebook can be as a platform to build my brand.  I know that the content strategies that Jacob talks about in the training work.  Because I have actually been using these types of strategies myself and seen the type of engagement I can get while using them.

FB Engagement post

Since creating my own Facebook group and using FB to network, I was making a number of affiliate commissions just by talking to people on Facebook messenger.

I’ll randomly get messages on FB Messenger like this one I had with my buddy Paul Gray.


Conversations like this happen because I’ve made it a priority to provide value to the people in my Facebook circle.

I’ve built some great relationships, and people often reward me by buying certain products through my affiliate links.

That’s what attraction marketing is all about, and that’s the ultimate goal that SAA is trying to help you achieve.

Yet, I never really had a plan or strategy for making this happen consistently.

And honestly, I didn’t even know how much I needed an actual sales process to do this.

SAA changed all that for me.

  1. I now have the proper mindset to initiate and close high ticket sales AND
  2. I now have an amazing proven sales script that qualifies each prospect I talk to, pre-frames, and converts them into buyers at a high rate.

Plus, I can get the support I need from Jacob through the weekly live calls or through the private Facebook group.

Best of all is that I now have a system that I believe in, and can recommend to people who are just getting started with affiliate marketing and want to see real results.

And the results do speak for themselves.   I’m seeing about a 17% conversion rate on people who convert from a lead (put in their email) to a paying customer.  Which is pretty incredible for a high ticket product.

I was able to cover the cost of the SAA itself within the first couple of months of promoting it.

But just to be clear, SAA is not only about promoting SAA to other people.  Yes, that’s what some people do and it works.  But I’m personally more focused on promoting multiple streams of high ticket affiliate products and SAA works perfectly for that too.

So yes, you can make sales with ANY high ticket affiliate program using these strategies.

Is the Super Affiliate Accelerator the right fit for you?

With that being said, the Super Affiliate Accelerator is not perfect for everyone.

To really figure out if it is for you, start by answering the following two questions:

  1. What is my specific, monthly income goal that I want to achieve with affiliate marketing?
  2. Am I going to hit this monthly income goal with what I am currently doing now?

If your answer to the second question is “no” then answer this last question:

“Am I 100% committed to real change by trying something that really works?”

If you can honestly answer “yes” to this last question, then I’m confident that you will also do well with yourself by joining the Super Affiliate Accelerator.

The beauty of Jacob’s approach with the training is that any action taker can succeed with it.

I already know from personal experience that Facebook is the easiest and fastest way to build a brand and audience online. It’s much, much faster than blogging or even Youtube.

You don’t need any special technical skills and all that you need to put in is your time.

“…But Chris, I can see SAA working for you since you can leverage your own existing results with affiliate marketing. But will it work for me when I have no or limited results yet?”

Yes, it will.

Because Jacob’s done all the hard work for you there too.

He’s already proven that his model works through the results all the SAA members have been getting.

And you will be able to leverage the results of the community to make sales for you too.  You’ll learn all this inside different lessons of the training.

However, if the $2,500 price tag is a sticking point, there is a lower-cost entry point you can try.  Jacob recently introduced a lower ticket product called the Super Affiliate Intensive (SAI).

It’s kinda like a SAA mini-bootcamp training that goes through Jacob’s MOCA framework that SAA is built on top of.

It’s only $100 and it’s a much lower cost entry point to see if SAA is right for you.  You can check out SAI using this link.

Don’t Miss My Exclusive Super Affiliate Accelerator Bonuses

Super Affiliate Accelerator Pricing

When I first joined Super Affiliate Accelerator, the price was $1,497.

However, the price jumped up to $2,000 last August and then went up to $2,500 last November.

The reason why SAA can afford to do these price increases is that the results people have been getting supports this price point.

But now, there are two additional flavors of SAA you can sign up for.  The first is called Super Affiliate Accelerator – Basic.  This new entry-level plan is $1,000 and it includes the SAA training.  But you don’t get access to the private FB group or the weekly group coaching calls.

The other is called Super Affiliate Accelerator – Deluxe.  It costs $4,500 and you get everything I mentioned, plus two, 1-1 coaching, 60-minute coaching calls with Jacob Caris himself.

Finally, if you want to “try before you buy”, you can go through the Super Affiliate Intensive program.  It’s only $100 and it trains you on the MOCA framework that forms the foundation of SAA.  You can use this link if you want to go that route.

Keep in mind that there are absolutely no refunds after joining SAA.  Jacob wants people in the program who are 100% committed to the program.

Which is why he wants to talk to people first, on the phone, before allowing them to join.

So if this is a deal-breaker for you, then you might not be the right fit for SAA anyway.

(Although if you want to skip the application process, you can use this special direct checkout link to join SAA)

Final Verdict

I’m really happy with the results I’ve gotten after putting what I’ve learned inside the Super Affiliate Accelerator training into practice.

It’s already helped me to make more high ticket affiliate sales using organic FB marketing.   And it’s not just SAA affiliate sales.  I’ve also made a bunch of Legendary Marketer commissions and a few Affiliate Triad sales using the strategies I learned from this course.

If you are ready to buy right now, use this direct checkout link to join.  This skips you through the application process and gets you in right away.  This also gets you immediate access to my SAA bonuses which are going to kickstart your SAA results to the next level.

But if you are still on the fence, reach out to me on Facebook messenger and I will be happy to chat with you about whether you are a good fit for the program.

Join Super Affiliate Accelerator Today

My Super Affiliate Accelerator Bonuses

Did my Super Affiliate Accelerator review get you interested in signing up?

Let me summarize everything you will be getting when joining SAA.

Then you can see my exclusive bonuses that will help you achieve even faster and better results when implementing the strategies you learn inside the course.

Here is what you get as part of SAA itself:

  • Lifetime access to the SAA High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Training
  • Lifetime access to all future training updates
  • Lifetime access to the SAA Facebook Mastermind Group with 6 & 7 Figure Earners
  • Access to Weekly Group Coaching & Mentorship Calls with Jacob
  • Access to all the Weekly Coaching Call Replays
  • Exclusive access to the SAA affiliate program that pays 40-50% commissions.

Now here are the bonuses you will be getting if you sign up for SAA under my affiliate link:

SAA Bonuses

SAA Bonus #1: 6 Months Mentoring & Coaching from Me (over FB messenger) – While Jacob provides live help via the weekly live calls and inside the private FB group, he does not provide 1-1 support over chat. So as part of my bonus, you will be able to fill that need by getting 1-1 support from me. I will personally help you with any aspect of implementing the SAA training in your own business and help you start getting results faster.

See my testimonials page, to see what my students have said about my coaching.

SAA Bonus #2: 1-Year “Software In a Box” Membership Access – Following the SAA sales process and want to increase your conversions even more? Then you will want to add a unique bonus package to every high ticket offer you have.

As a member of the Software in a Box, you will initially have the ability to create unlimited Group Convert and WatcherSpy accounts that you can use as bonuses to help sell your high ticket affiliate products.

But I will be adding future softwares I’m building into this membership which you will also get access to. This includes my next software product called FP Affiliate Extractor.

FP Affiliate Extractor is especially cool because it will allow you to automate email follow-up with all your SAA affiliate leads and buyers!

SAA Bonus #3: Three “Software in a Box” Bonus Licenses

I want to help you make your first few SAA affiliate sales as easy as possible.

And to quickly recoup your cost of the SAA membership and get you some quick results to share.

So I am also going to be giving you three, 1-year Software in a Box membership bonuses license you can give away as bonuses for your first three SAA sales.

Creating bonuses is hard, but you now have a done for you irresistible SAA bonus offer ready to go from the beginning!

SAA Bonus #4: Private Legendary Case Study Group Access – Legendary Marketer is one of the high ticket programs that Jacob recommends inside the SAA training. And I also feel it should be a part of your affiliate marketing stack.

Normally this private group is available to my own Legendary Marketer affiliates. But you will be getting access to this group as well as part of my bonus.

Inside, you will get a fully transparent look at how I’m promoting Legendary Marketer. I’m sharing all the content I publish, SEO strategies I’m using to rank them, and insights into all my stats.

SAA Bonus #5: Friend Connector Lifetime Account – Another important aspect of SAA is building up your friends list with targeted people in your chosen niche. Normally this would be a manual and tedious process.

But Friend Connector is an awesome chrome extension that helps you add friends and build your audience on FB on autopilot. You can run it inside any Facebook group you are a member of and add targeted friends who you will be able to reach to and close using the SAA methods.

To qualify for my bonuses just purchase SAA with my affiliate link.  You will receive your bonuses within 24 hours after making payment.

Join Super Affiliate Accelerator Today

Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you enjoyed this Super Affiliate Accelerator review comparison post. Please note that any links inside this article may be affiliate links for the Super Affiliate Accelerator. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, I may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, thanks! Any money we make keeps this site running and allows us to keep producing high-quality reviews.
About Chris Fong

Chris Fong is a blogger and a 6 figure a year affiliate marketer. He enjoys helping others learn about different marketing tools and helping people achieve success online.

  • Dylan Gordon says:

    Really well put together, Chris! Nice to see your opinion on SAA

  • Paul says:

    Top Review Chris! Really dig it 🙂

  • Sajawal Rao says:

    Super affiliate accelarator seems to be one of the best affiliate marketing course out there.If it is Jacob behind anything look no further.Definitely worth the price and investment.

  • Wale Adetona says:

    Super Affiliate Accelerator is no doubt the best course for anyone just getting started in Affiliate marketing with no traffic budget leveraging attraction marketing.

  • Ralph Chua says:

    I have seen your legendary review and now this SAA review. Man you are everywhere.

    Even saw u in Spencer group.

    Hope to connect with you.

  • Great to see a real review. Have seen several ‘reviews’ where people don’t even seem to have the product. Thanks for

    • Chris Fong says:

      Thanks for the kind words Jonas! That’s kinda strange though, because you can’t promote SAA unless you are actually a paying member. So it doesn’t make really sense for someone to write a review if you’re not part of the program. Unless they are trying to promote something else.

  • Edwin Dearborn says:

    We are really seeing the power of Facebook messenger, as you mention, to generate new business.

  • Thank Chris for your honest opinion… Because Super Affiliate Accelerator is an awesome program that I have already done. Nice training program

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